Wow.. i have been hearing wonderful news back home.. Just wanted to Congratulate all PMRians for the wonderful results each and everyone of you got.. continue to shine for the Lord..
As you all move on to Form 4, you might get a little shock in the beginning but you will get used to it. The fact that you might find out that things are maybe much more difficult shows that you are progressing into a whole new level of learning. Take it as a challege and a form of increasing maturity on your part. Hope that you all will enjoy this new stage of your education.
Before i forget, please consider taking Bible Knowledge as a subject. God has called us to be students but that doesn't mean that we only study science, maths etc. We should be constantly study His Word as well. Studying God's Word is even more important. Since the Malaysian government has given us this wonderful opportunity to take Bible Knowledge as a subject, shouldn't we as Christians take it? I don't know the statistics, but i know that many Christians do not take Bible Knowledge because they might complain:
1.they have too many subjects already
2.Bible Knowledge is too hard.
3.I might do badly and it will not look nice on my certificate
What utter nonsense....
Are we saying that taking other subjects are more important than the WOrd of God?
What would the Government think about us Christians when we only claim but don't take the opportunity to take the subject?
Doesn't it show how much we regard studying God's Word?
Anyway.. all i am saying is please consider this carefully. I can confidently say that most of us do not study the Word of God. Quiet time is not counted. So, i say take this oppotunity to kick start your Bible study habit. It will 'force' you to do it. It gave me an extra incentive and motivation then to study because i was a lazy bum. You will only study 2 books, Luke and Acts which are the basics of Christianity. Don't think you already know it. The Word of God is LIFE.
Couldn't agree more about Bible Knowlegde!
haha... thks
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